原帖地址:https://www.reddit.com/r/btc/comments/61mxuj/block_size_limit_debate_history_lessonBlock size limit debate history lesson区块大小限制问题的争论历史进程 Pre 2013Bitcoin users and developers have near universal agreement that the block size limit is a temporary feature must be raised and/or removed. Preparing for this hard fork is one of lead developer Gavin's top priorities.https://web.archive.org/web/20140328052630/https://en.bitcoin.it/wiki/Talk:ScalabilityMAX_BLOCK_SIZE has always been planned to increase as needed. That limitation should be ignored.theymos 17:15, 4 March 2011 (GMT)
2013以前Bitcoin用户和开发人员几乎达成共识,即区块大小限制是个临时性特征,它必须被提高或者去除。领头开发商Gavin的首要任务之一就是为解决这个分叉做准备。https://web.archive.org/web/20140328052630/https://en.bitcoin.it/wiki/Talk:Scalability人们一直计划着根据需要来增加MAX_BLOCK_SIZE,这个限制应该会被忽略。Theymos 17:15,2011年3月4日(GMT)What Theymos said. Increasing MAX_BLOCK_SIZE will be done when "lightweight, header-only" client mode is done. Until then, block size has to be kept under control.--Gavin Andresen 00:19, 5 March 2011 (GMT)Theymos所说的,当完成“轻量级,只有头文件”的客户端模式时,MAX_BLOCK_SIZE将会增加。 在此之前,区块大小必须保持在可控范围之内。--Gavin Andresen 00:19,2011年3月5日(GMT)However development priorities are not very unified, as noted by one observer:https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=122013.msg1390298#msg1390298然而,发展重点不是很统一,正如一个观察员在下文指出的:https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=122013.msg1390298#msg1390298When I joined this forum I was completely wrong calling the Bitcoin core development team "Bitcoin bunker". Now that I understand the situation better I know that there's no single bunker. There are numerous one-or-two-person cubbyholes that may occasionally form the aliances to shoot at the occupant of another cubbyhole. The situation conforms better to the distributed paradigm inherent in the design of Bitcoin.我刚加入这个论坛时,完全错误地将Bitcoin核心开发团队称为“Bitco