周一华平股份涨停板,呵呵呵。人脸识别技术正在加速普及中,不少领域都开始将其作为一种高效手段用于身份鉴别,比如手机解锁、机场安检等。随着这项技术的发展,比如算法的优化,它也开始衍生出一些分支。英国《卫报》7日报道,著名心理学家、斯坦福大学组织行为学助理教授Michael Kosinki称,人脸识别已经可以用于检测一个男子是否是Gay。去年,他和助手通过采集分析婚恋交友网站上的35326张照片,运用机器学习技术研发出一套算法“AI gaydar”,可以区分出直男和Gay,且准确度相当高。然而,成果在《经济学人》杂志上公布后,LGBTQ组织迅速表达了强烈的反对之声,两个比较有名的组织要求斯坦福大学不要再涉足相关研究。不过,Kosinki却透露,他收到了大量电子邮件,那些对自己性取向有困惑的人们纷纷奉上照片,希望Kosinki用自己的算法机器“AI gaydar”出具个鉴定结果。
There will be a limit next week.
What restrictions should be put in place? I didn't hear that. What do you know about the inside news? Recently, the majority of shareholders were busy and frequent meetings. They refused to let everyone close to the boardroom. Stocks are flying up and down in the market. They seem greedy and want to get all their chips.
What restrictions should be put in place? I didn't hear that. What do you know about the inside news? Recently, the majority of shareholders were busy and frequent meetings. They refused to let everyone close to the boardroom. Stocks are flying up and down in the market. They seem greedy and want to get all their chips.
发表于 2018-07-0818:03:04In the credit allocation of China's banking system, there is a serious distortion of capital allocation, resulting in the allocation of credit funds to inefficient sectors and enterprises in the economy. There are usually two explanations for this phenomenon. One is that at this stage, regional ...